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Is Your Cat Protecting You From Ghosts?

Jan 25, 2022 | 7:56 AM

Does your cat stare tensely toward empty space or spend a suspicious amount of time around one particular spot in the house? It’s likely that your cat is sensitive to a concentrated amount of negative energy and is attempting to protect you and your home from possible infiltration by evil spirits and ghosts. This is because cats bear a uniquely powerful aura, also known as an astral force, that works to repel negative energy.

It is possible that this negative energy remains left over from some traumatic experience in the past before you came to live in the home, or the entity could come from outside the home and try to force its way in.

The cat serves as a valuable line of defence for you and your loved ones by attempting to trap the evil spirit and lead it out of the house. Be sure not to disturb your cat if you notice that it is purposefully wandering around your house.

Russians used to allow a cat to enter a house before they moved in so the cat could take immediate action in warding away any excess negative energy left behind from previous inhabitants while also providing powerful positive energy if the house was new or had merely neutral energy.

The Specialties of Cats of Different Colors

All cats provide the protective healing energies described above, although there is some variation between the benefits they may bestow upon their owners. Read the following description of the specialties of each type of cat and, if in the need of a particular kind of benefit or healing energy, choose the one most suitable for your situation.

Black Cats: They provide the most comprehensive magical protection against occult powers and curses. These cats are most adept at nullifying powerful negative energy that may be dwelling inside a home.

Calico Cats: They combine the benefits of black, white, and red cats and provide your home with significant protection from harm. These three-coloured cats are often associated with good luck and prosperity.

Blue-Gray Cats: They exert calming influences of emotional stability and bring joy and love to the lives of their owners. The tranquil energy embodied in such cats is often associated with happiness and good luck.

Colorpoint Siamese Cats:  They are the most playful breed of cat and help bring fame and success to their owners, as well as benefit them with long life.

Two-Tone Cats: They carry energy that enhances wisdom and common sense.

Tortoiseshell Cats: They specialize in their healing powers and benefit from clairvoyance. This colour pattern usually only appears in female cats, giving them pure energy.

Golden Cats: They are often associated with ancient wisdom due to their status as objects to be revered in temples. They also embody solar energy and grace.

Tabby Cats: They lighten the mood of an environment and provide a buzz of humour and entertainment.

No matter which type of cat you choose, you can be sure to enjoy the benefits from its powerful aura and sensitivity to the presence of evil spirits.