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Pioneer Lodge overwhelmed by community support

Nov 30, 2017 | 11:13 AM

Every little bit counts, and the fundraising committee for the new Northland Pioneers Lodge is definitely feeling the support from many individuals, groups and businesses in the region, according to co-chair Guelda Wood.

Over the last couple of years, the committee has been hosting a variety of fundraisers to help raise $2.5 million for furniture, fixtures and equipment for the new long-term care facility that will replace the current aging building on Third St. W. The facility was originally built in 1955, with additions in the 1960s and 1980s. The capital costs are going to be covered by the Ministry of Health, the City of Meadow Lake and the R.M. of Meadow Lake.

However, a handful of external groups have come forward to lend a hand in a number of ways. In September, Meadow Lake’s Tim Hortons store dedicated their Smile Cookie campaign to the cause, and this year, they netted over $2,300 for the cause.

“It’s huge that they pick us to donate the proceeds from the cookie sales, which were awesome this year,” said Wood. “Our committee member Gerri Moeller did a lot by delivering to different business and doing cookie runs, and the staff did awesome promoting it.”

Another recent event was the Sausage Fest in Dorintosh, and the Meadow Lake Hospital Foundation earmarked $25,000 from their recent Festival of Trees this year.

Wood said the committee is sitting at over $700,000 for their total so far, and believes that people are supportive of the cause because there is a great need for the new facility to be built soon.

“We do need it,” she said. “We make the current facility as comfortable as possible as we can, giving them the best care with what they have. The new facility will make a huge difference to the quality of life. It will give the residents a much more home-like environment, and more accessible. As far as the staff goes, the new facility will have a ceiling lifting system which will help a great deal.”

The new facility will be located north of the City on Highway 4, and a projected building date has not yet been announced.  

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