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Expect a mild Christmas holiday season this year. (Cam Lee/northeastNOW Staff)
Warm Christmas

Mild Christmas expected across the region

Dec 24, 2019 | 12:00 PM

The Christmas carol ‘Let it Snow’ says ‘the weather outside is frightful’, but that’s not going to be the case this holiday season.

Environment and Climate Change Canada Meteorologist Terri Lang said we should expect some nice conditions into the new year.

“It actually looks like you guys might be a ‘perfect Christmas,'” said Lang. “That’s what we call when there [are] two cm of snow on the ground and it snows on Christmas Day.”

There is a small weather system moving in through the area to bring some light snow, but Lang said there will be no major accumulation.

Lang said temperatures will remain above normal for this time of year.

“We’re in a very mild pattern relatively speaking, of course, for this time of year,” said Lang. “The jet stream is sort of to the north which is why we’re just getting…weak systems moving through and not much else.”

The 30 year average high temperature this time of year is around -12 C, while the average low is -23 C.

Lang doesn’t anticipate any major weather related issues for drivers during the holiday season but some light snow falling over the next week or so coupled with the mild conditions do pose some risk for motorists.

“Of more concern is…because we have this stagnant weather pattern that’s mild, we’re getting a lot of fog patches, low cloud, some freezing drizzle, some rime icing that’s happening,” said Lang. “That tends to grease the roads up a little bit, it makes for some tricky driving conditions so people should be aware of that when they’re heading out onto the roads.”

Lang said it’s important to check the Highway Hotline before starting your Christmas travel. She suggested keeping an eye on the weather forecast as well, as it may be different at your destination than where your trip begins.

On Twitter: @camlee1974

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