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Sunshine will give way to warm, unstable weather this weekend (Cam Lee/northeastNOW Staff)
Unsettled weather

Warm and windy this weekend, showers and thunderstorms likely

Jun 12, 2020 | 11:45 AM

A windy, unsettled, but warm weekend is in store for north-central and northeast Saskatchewan.

Environment and Climate Change Canada meteorologist Terri Lang told northeastNOW the wind is coming up from the southeast today, and it will remain relatively strong throughout the evening into tomorrow.

“We are expecting highs in the upper 20’s [Saturday], so that’s a nice bonus in there,” Lang said. “However, because of that approaching weather system that’s giving us the wind, it does look like there will be showers and thundershowers that will form probably far into the South and then move into the area into the overnight period [into Sunday].”

Lang said Sunday will remain unsettled, with showers and thundershowers in the forecast. However it will remain warm, with highs expected to be around 25 Celsius.

The potential for serious weather is stronger in the southwest part of the province on Saturday, and the southeast on Sunday, according to Lang. However, systems like these can still pack a punch when they come up from the south into more central areas of the province.

Lang said the unsettled, unorganized weather pattern of recent days will continue into next week, with hit-and-miss showers and thundershowers possible. The forecast is for calmer, warmer weather later in the week.

She said it’s a good idea for everyone to be prepared for severe weather, even if it isn’t imminent.

“We’re coming into severe weather season, knowing what to do and doing it before the severe weather hits, having a plan and implementing it before the storms hit not while the storms hit, because by then it’s usually too late,” Lang said.

On Twitter: @camlee1974

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