R.M. of Meadow Lake declares disaster situation as residents impacted by significant flooding
The R.M. of Meadow Lake has experienced significant flooding over the course of June and has declared what they’ve termed a state of disaster.
Reeve Tim McKay told meadowlakeNOW nearly 20 rural roads have been restricted to local traffic or closed as a result of water damage. Last week, the R.M was in preparation for the declaration and the municipality and residents can now begin the process to access financial support through the Provincial Disaster Assistance Program (PDAP).
“Any work we do on the road washouts or any road repair connected to water damage we have to [document] it and report to PDAP who will monitor our progress and monitor our expenses,” he said. “It also opens up some funding for residents and with us declaring a state of disaster it helps residents to access funding.”
McKay said ranchers along the Beaver River have been significantly impacted, parts of Cabana Rd. have been washed out, and parts of Rialto Rd. have also been affected. He said he feels for the residents who are affected and The R.M is offering what they can to help.