Outdoor rink taking shape on Flying Dust First Nation
Hockey players and skaters will soon have another option when it comes to ice surfaces in the Meadow Lake area.
The Flying Dust First Nation is in the midst of building an outdoor rink that should be ready to use by winter.
“Chief Jeremy Norman asked the support staff to establish an outdoor arena. We had a smaller scale one in the past, but this one will be full regulation size – 85 by 200 — and we’ll be painting lines and doing it up in a professional manner,” said Clay DeBray, who works in the recreation department for Flying Dust First Nation. He also manages the Pineridge Ford Place arena and Snipe and Celly Pro Shop.
Lights have already been erected and the concrete is currently being poured. DeBray said the extra ice will provide an opportunity for youth to play a game of shinny without the pressure of being in an actual game setting. Having said that, the rink will also be offered to the Meadow Lake Minor Hockey Association as an alternative setting for games or practices.