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Saskatchewan Country Closeup – Andrea An

Oct 23, 2020 | 10:18 AM

Our guest on the Saskatchewan Country Closeup is Andrea An.

Andrea An is a Vietnamese-Canadian singer/songwriter, born and raised in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. She started taking piano lessons at age six and by the time she was a teenager, she had also taught herself to play guitar.

This wasn’t the last time she’d showcase her DIY ambitions or creative prowess. In fact, Andrea An is an impressive young woman; she’s an artist, studio, and marketing department all rolled into one.

She records her own music (alongside her producer/fianc, Jesse Weiman), and also directs, edits, and produces her own videos. She even does all of her own creative work, everything from her artist photography to her album covers and promotional materials.

Listen below to hear my conversation with Andrea An