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A cold front is expected to hit the Meadow Lake area this weekend with the possibility of the region receiving light amounts of snow. (Elliott Knopp/meadowlakeNOW)
Weekend Forecast

Incoming cold front expected to snap Meadow Lake streak of plus temperatures

Apr 15, 2021 | 1:38 PM

The recent trend of plus temperatures in Meadow Lake is expected to take a brief dip at the end of the weekend.

Terri Lang, Meteorologist at Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), said the Meadow Lake area has a fair chance at receiving some snow early Sunday morning. Areas in the southeast region of the province have already been affected by the incoming cold front, but Meadow Lake’s time with the weather system is expected to pass after the weekend.

“It looks like there’s a weather system that’s going to move through [the city] on Sunday earlier on in the day. You can see the temperature change that happens from Saturday to Sunday, the forecast high for Saturday is 16 (Celsius) and Sunday is 6 C, so you know something is coming through,” Lang said.

With some of the slushy white precipitation heading toward the area, some residents could be wondering how much of the snow the community could receive. Meteorologist stated the nature of the weather system shouldn’t bring too much precipitation to the area.

“I don’t think there will be a lot of precipitation in it because it’s more of a frontal system, but I do think that it’ll probably start off as rain and then change to snow. People shouldn’t be shocked if they see some on Sunday. It’s been pretty dry too, so I think the moisture would be welcomed.”

Most residents will likely be content with the weekend forecast as the alternative would be the snow storms hitting other areas of the province, specifically in the southeast region. Lang stated temperatures over the weekend are slated to run above their seasonal averages with daytime highs reaching the high teens and the nighttime lows dipping to ranges around -3 C.

Record highs over the weekend hover around 23 C while the record lows are frozen at -13 C. The record high temperatures for the weekend are 23.1 C on April 17, set in 1980 while the April 18 record is 23.3 C set in 2016.

Nighttime record low temperatures across the weekend are -13.2 C on April 17, set in 2017 while the April 18 record is -13.3 C set in 1966.

After the cold front passes, temperatures are expected to recover and return to their pre-weekend levels.

On Twitter: @ElliottKnopp

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