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Saskatchewan is getting hit by a heat wave over the next few days. (Josh Ryan/battlefordsNOW Staff)
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Heat warnings expected in Saskatchewan

Jun 1, 2021 | 4:30 PM

Northwest Saskatchewan is set for its first heat wave of 2021.

For the next three days, daily temperatures will reach high’s in the low to mid 30s, much warmer than the average for this time of the year (usually around 20 C). Environment Canada has released a special weather statement highlighting communities from Lloydminster to Meadow Lake to the Battlefords that will see daily highs that exceed 30°.

Both the Battlefords and Meadow Lake are expected to peak on Thursday at highs of 36 C and 33 C respectively. The record for warmest temperature on June 3 in the Battlefords is 34 C.

Meteorologist Terri Lang said there are a few concerns with this much heat, in part because of how dry the season has been so far. Farmers in particular have been hoping for an increase in moisture.

“Plants and crops certainly need heat to grow, but some moisture would be welcome,” she said. “Not just one or two areas will get extreme heat, a whole bunch of regions have to suffer through it,”

“We were just getting snow and freezing rain a week or two ago, and now we’re back in the 30s again. That’s just the way the weather is in Saskatchewan.”

Lang said this type of extended heat is uncomfortably warm and that there are several studies showing people are not able to easily recover. Even indoors, many residents in the province could face challenges without air conditioning.

“With COVID restrictions, it’s harder for some to get relief,” Lang said.

Plenty of residents are likely going to get outside and take advantage of the sun as much as possible. However, Lang said too much time in this heat and a lack of hydration could result in situations where people suffer from heatstroke.

“Your body needs to stay within a certain temperature range,” She said. “So, it’s important to watch your activity level and for your family and your pets.”

There is moisture expected on the weekend, as well as a drop in temperatures, but both the Battlefords and Meadow Lake should see highs near 20 C. Lang said there’s an outside chance of severe weather, but it’s unlikely.

“I don’t think we’re looking at big rains over the weekend, but some relief from the heat and some moisture with it would be a bonus.”

(Twitter/Joshua Ryan)

Another issue that could pop up is the possibility of grassfires. In addition to a few very dry days, the crossover conditions from sunny to rain with potentially intense winds could make fires more aggressive. North Battleford deputy fire chief Colin O’Hara said that even the recent rain may not have been enough to properly dampen the ground ahead of the next few days.

“That temperature is going to zap the moisture pretty quick,” he said. “If there was a fire and a high wind, we run the risk of fire spreading real quick.”

The current fire ban in the city, which only allows those with approved fire pits to have fires right now, is still in place. O’Hara said they aren’t making any alterations at this time, though they are recommending that even those with approved pits and precautions in place for sparks should exercise extreme caution.

“If the weather’s not favourable, such as high winds, we’d like people to not use them if possible,” he said. “Not to put a damper on anyone’s plans, but we want to be fire-smart and safe as possible.”

Two additional risks are flash floods and potential thundershowers over the weekend, for which without needed rain for the latter could possible result in lightning strikes that pose an even bigger hazard during dry conditions. In regards to potential flooding, O’Hara said they aren’t expecting enough rainfall for that to occur, but they will be monitoring things closely.

“With the ground being as dry as it is, the water comes in a hurry and the dry ground has a hard time soaking it up,” he said. “We’ll stay ahead of it as best we can.”

The chances of precipitation this weekend are currently around 60 per cent.

On Twitter: @JoshRyanSports

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