City of Meadow Lake addresses plans surrounding Meadow Lake & District Arena fire
Meadow Lake City Council has provided answers to some of the concerns raised by residents and organizations in the community regarding the Meadow Lake and District Arena fire.
In a media release, the city stated the 45-year-old community hub and city property was covered by insurance, but any property from third-party users has been excluded from coverage. A majority of the items in the arena, including memorabilia, were destroyed in the blaze. However, six jerseys from the front lobby area were recovered and are in the process of being cleaned and restored. The city is hoping to work with sponsors and players on replacing some of the memorabilia.
A new arena is expected to be built as soon as possible, but the city expects the replacement to take at least two years to complete. The plan is to use the current situation as an opportunity to create a multi-use facility rather than just an arena.
Mayor Merlin Seymour stated this option has been in resident’s minds for several years, and having a multi-use facility could address other community needs.