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Two wildfires remain of interest for the Meadow Lake and Battlefords region. (Ministry of Environment)
Blaze continues

Wildfire containment still underway north, south of Meadow Lake

Jul 28, 2021 | 9:36 AM

Firefighting efforts continue in Northern Saskatchewan, as well as in the Northwest.

Two wildfires are being monitored near the Meadow Lake region. The Strike fire, located 16 kilometres north of Dorintosh, has been burning since July 9. Currently listed as ‘not contained’, the size of the fire is 3,277 hectares as of Tuesday, or just more than 30 square kilometres.

Screen shot of the provincial wildfire map. (Government of Saskatchewan)

The other notable fire in the North West is the Helene fire, located north east of Helene Lake between Meadow Lake and the Battlefords. This fire started from a lightning strike on July 12 and is also currently listed as ‘not contained’. The most recent projection on its size is 3,940 hectares.

There is one value with a values protection sprinkler set up. It is being monitored by fire crews.


Fire departments in both Meadow Lake and the Battlefords told battlefordsNOW and meadowlakeNOW that they were monitoring the situtaion, but have not been asked to give additional support in fighting these fires as of now.

On Twitter: @meadowlakeNOW

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