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Temperatures in North West Saskatchewan are forecast to cool down to near 1-2 C on Halloween. (Photo 3139174 © Michalnapartowicz |
Spooky chills

Strong winds, cooling temperatures heading into Halloween

Oct 25, 2021 | 1:29 PM

Families looking forward to a week of decorations, candy and trick or treating will have less than ideal conditions when outdoors.

Northwest Saskatchewan is currently experiencing heavy winds, with gusts of above 50 km/h, and temperatures are going to drop steadily during the next six days. According to Environment Canada, Meadow Lake and North Battleford are in for a chilly Halloween, reaching 1 Celcius and 2 C on Sunday.

“The jet stream is kind of wavering all over the place, which explains the colder air in the north and warmer air in the south,” Meteorologist Terri Lang said. “We often see that around this time of the year.”

Today, Meadow Lake also has a small chance of showers amid cloudy conditions. The Battlefords should be a few degrees warmer at 11 C, but has gusts of wind up to 65 km/h. Lang said while there’s a chance, she’s not expecting meaningful precipitation for a while.

“It will be very transient if it comes through,” she said. “So, it’s more the wind that we will have to contend with.”

Gusts nearing 70 kilometres this morning have since begun easing off. While Lang said it’s worth being prepared for, these speeds don’t reach the warning criteria for danger and there have been no signs of any significant power outages caused by them.

“[We would need] sustained winds at 60 km/h and gusts over 90 km/h for that,” she said. “It’s certainly stripping the leaves of the trees fast than we would have wanted and semi drivers have to pay attention.”

Following this blistery Monday, residents in the region can expect largely sunny skies for a few days, with afternoon temperatures of around 10 C. As a result, Lang said it’s the right time to take precautions for the winter season by getting your house and vehicle ready.

“It will snow whether we like it or not,” she said. “Something to keep in mind, so that we’re prepared.”

Solidifying a warm home

Given the onset of cooler temperatures, preparing your home means taking time to have maintenance done, for your house or your vehicle. Meadow Lake Fire Chief Neil Marsh said there are a number of steps to take to make sure you aren’t at risk when temperatures drop below freezing.

Make sure your furnaces are in good condition, make sure that your car’s block heater is in good shape,” he said. “Just generally make sure that all your heating items are in good condition.”

A step Marsh particularly stressed is testing your home’s carbon monoxide alarm.

“In Meadow Lake, every occupied building must have one,” he said.

And if there’s elements that haven’t been examined in years, those are especially worth prioritizing.

“Don’t put off making sure things are in good shape,” Marsh said. “If you haven’t had your furnace inspected in a few years, it’s a good time to call up the local plumbing and heating shop for an appointment.”

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