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An image from the Highway Hotline's camera on the Trans-Canada Highway at Moose Jaw on March 29, 2021. (Highway Hotline)

Hits on Highway Hotline reach all-time high

Apr 20, 2022 | 10:48 AM

The ongoing winter of 2021-22 has helped the Highway Hotline set a record in Saskatchewan.

Over the past year, the Hotline recorded nearly 13 million hits — more than double the number it usually gets in a year.

According to the Ministry of Highways, the Hotline has had roughly 1.2 million page views in April, with 935,000 of those during last week’s storm alone.

“I’d like to thank the dedicated staff at the Highway Hotline for providing this vital service to the people of Saskatchewan,” Highways Minister Fred Bradshaw said in a release. “Many people rely on this service to help them make their travel decisions.

“I would also like to take the opportunity to thank the many snowplow operators, who worked tirelessly through this difficult winter season.”

Last year, there were 384 road closures in Saskatchewan due to weather events. This winter, the province had reported more than 1,900 closures because of poor road conditions as of early March.

The Hotline offers views from more than 40 stationary cameras across the province that drivers can access through the website.

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