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MLMP Makes $10,000 Donation to Support Local Healthcare

Jun 13, 2023 | 8:01 AM

Meadow Lake Mechanical Pulp recently made a $10,000 donation to the Meadow Lake Hospital Foundation. We took the opportunity to reach out to the Foundation’s Chairman Scott Campbell to learn more about the organization and their goals.

“Meadow Lake Hospital Foundation was founded in 2002 and we currently have an annual fundraising goal of $100,000,” explains Scott Campbell, Chairman. “At the start of each year, the local doctors and nurses make a Wish List and then we try to fulfill that list.”

“We’re all volunteers on the board. So all the money we raise is used to purchase equipment for the Meadow Lake health care facilities. We try and buy equipment that the Saskatchewan Health Authority might not be able to purchase so we’re getting the best value for our donors.”

“This year we’re aiming to buy: a Bowman Respiratory Hygiene Bundle Station ($750), Pyxis MedStation ($52,000), Bladder Scanner ($16,000), Bed Pan Washer ($18,000), Tono-Pen Avia ($9,000), Umano All Palliative Bariatric Bed ($12,000).”

“Our goal is to support people getting their health needs met in the community they live in rather than having to travel. When you’re unwell, travelling for treatment is an additional strain on you and your support network—family, friends, pets, etc.

“We really appreciate Meadow Lake Mechanical Pulp making this donation – it’s 10% of our annual fundraising goal which is a big deal.”

MLMP General Manager, Rob Goozee, sees the value as well, “Meadow Lake Mechanical Pulp is a significant employer in Meadow Lake and it’s important to us that we contribute more than jobs and economic impact. Donations like this one help make our community a better place to live for everyone and that’s important too.”