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The quadruplets were born Feb. 29 and they spent several months in the hospital before being allowed to go home. (Submitted photo/Savannah Ratt)
happy family

‘It’s a beautiful feeling’: Quadruplets at home after several months in hospital

Jun 11, 2024 | 2:29 PM

After about three months in Saskatoon’s Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital, the leap day quadruplets are all finally at home.

“The first baby (Aleah) came home about two weeks ago,” said their mother Savannah Ratt, who noted Aleah was followed by Beautiful, Dominick and, finally, Cecilia just a few days ago.

“It’s heart filling. It’s a beautiful feeling. It’s hectic. It’s great. I get all the cuddles in the world.”

While at Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital, the quadruplets received around the clock care with two full-time dedicated workers. Ratt explained in order for the babies to leave the facility, it all depended on their breathing and if they were able to feed on their own without the assistance of a tube.

Ratt and father Gilbert Merasty are currently staying at Ronald McDonald House, which has been their accommodations since a little prior to the quadruplets being born. They all share one room with mom and dad on one bed and all the babies on another.

“I can barely sleep. One cries, then another will cry and another will cry and then the other will cry as soon as I’m falling asleep. I get like maybe two or three hours sleep at night if I am lucky,” Ratt said.

“Their dad is a big help. He will help me at night if I need help. Sometimes, I will just let him rest because he lets me sleep in the morning. He will take over, so I can catch up on my sleep.”

The quadruplets received 24-hour care while at Jim Pattison Children Hospital. (Derek Cornet/larongeNOW Staff)

While the quadruplets were released from the hospital one at a time, Ratt noted it was challenging going back and forth from Ronald McDonald House and the hospital. She is thankful for the generosity from staff at both places as they have made her stay in Saskatoon as comfortable as possible.

“They cook breakfast and supper, but sometimes we miss it because we are too tired to get up and go eat, so we just have to buy our own food and we can cook it there, or we will just order,” Ratt said.

The couple was able to raise $3,500 through a GoFundMe campaign launched shortly after the quadruplets were born. The donations were used for living expenses, as well as supplies like strollers and car seats.

Although they plan on living in Saskatoon, the couple and the quadruplets have plans to make a trip to their home community of La Ronge near the end of June. They are headed there for a graduation ceremony and hope to spend some time with family and friends before returning to the city.

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