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Broncos memorial update

Humboldt awards contract for groundwork at Broncos memorial site

Aug 28, 2024 | 1:02 PM

The City of Humboldt has awarded the contract for the preparation of the site of the 2017-18 Humboldt Broncos bus crash.

Council approved the awarding of the sole-source contract to Kirsch Construction for up to $290,000.

The permanent memorial will be constructed at the intersection of Highways 35 and 335 between Tisdale and Nipawin.

Penny Lee is the staff liaison for the Bronco Memorial Committee for the City of Humboldt. She told northeastNOW there have been a few changes to the site’s original plan.

“The north pathway around a manmade pond has been removed and the pond will (not be) developed as a manmade pond, but instead left natural,” Lee explained.

An updated site plan for the Humboldt Broncos memorial site on Highway 35. (City of Humboldt)

The revised plan will save about $15,000, and the city said in its news release the cost of the project “may be significantly reduced if onsite testing of (the) existing parking area proves to be suitably stable.”

The price doesn’t include concrete work, curbing, grass seeding, and maintenance.

Lee said the memorial site will feature a seating area so people can gather and reflect. A parking area will also be developed and paved with a pathway to the seating area. A permanent memorial, such as a statue or another significant symbol, will be constructed north of the parking lot.

The city hopes a sod turning can take place sometime before fall, and Lee said they need to wait until the contract is signed.

Lee said there’s no set timeline as to when the full memorial site will be complete.

“It’s so unpredictable, being that there’s likely some more fundraising that needs to be done in order to complete the project in its whole design intentions,” said Lee.

Lee added that Kirsch Construction, a locally owned and operated company, has revealed a willingness to work with the Broncos Memorials Committee.

“Kirsch Construction has provided an acceptable estimate that… a lot of it will be just for time and labour,” Lee said. “They’re committing a lot of in-kind services, and it’s much appreciated that they’ve stepped up to do this and help us out.”

Sixteen people were killed in the crash in April of 2018, with 13 others injured.

On X: @northeastNOW_SK

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