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Scholarships and Bursaries

Scholarships and Awards

May 1, 2019 | 9:24 AM

4-H Canada offers a variety of financial supports and opportunities each year.


We’re committed to supporting 4-H members as they pursue their post-secondary education and career goals. We offer a number of scholarships to help you reach those goals, thanks to our generous partners.

Scholarship applications open March 1 and close May 31, 2019.

See the available scholarships


The Jack Pemberton Youth Development Bursary is awarded to a senior 4-H member residing outside of Ontario with a keen interest in agriculture and a desire to attend Toronto’s Royal Agricultural Winter Fair.

Club Funding

With the continued support of Farm Credit Canada (FCC), 4-H Canada is proud to provide clubs, districts and regions across the country with funding opportunities to support their initiatives and activities.


4-H Canada awards are our way of saying “thank you” to community leaders who embody the mission of 4-H and make an impact on youth and the communities they serve. These awards include the National Volunteer Leader of the Year Award, 4-H Canada Honourary Member, and the new Distinguished Alumni Award.

We are thankful for the corporate partnerships that allow these financial supports to exist for 4-H members, volunteer leaders clubs, districts and regions.

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