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Meadow Lake towing calls for service rise as temperatures drop (file photo/meadowlakeNOW Staff)
Weather Towing Demand

Towing calls increase as temperatures decline

Feb 11, 2021 | 2:56 PM

While the recent cold weather snap has presented challenges to some residents over the last two weeks, some of the biggest inconveniences have come at the expense of motorists.

Towing and vehicle service companies are reporting the demand for service grew significantly, mainly in part due to the cold weather. The harsh conditions have left a mark on what most people view as their most convenient mode of transportation, leaving some drivers stranded on the road or looking for alternate methods of transportation.

“The cold has definitely cause things to be busier,” Brenton Fisher with Vidal Towing said. “We’ve been called out for a lot of boosts, we’ve got cars dying on the side of the road, other’s vehicles aren’t starting and they need to get new batteries and towed. [This usually comes with] winter conditions, but these are a little more extreme.”

Clearly, the cold weather’s effect on vehicles has been a nuisance to drivers in their day-to-day routines, but the results of the climate have provided these local companies with an increase in business. A driver with one towing company described the demand for service as ‘not too bad,’ as they received some calls from SGI and roadside assistance. They added when these tough conditions roll into town, that’s when business really starts to pick up.

Jamie Nelson, owner of Tombstone Tires and Towing, said when he receives a service call, he makes a point of reminding people to protect themselves from the elements as the unpredictability of the weather can pose a severe risk to an individual’s health and safety.

One can expect with the higher demand that wait times for service could be higher too. Weather experts state frost bite can start to damage the human body after 10 minutes in temperatures around -30 degrees Celsius. Over the past two weeks, temperatures around Meadow Lake have dipped as low as -45 C with the wind chill. Nelson added when conditions reach their current state, drivers should include items for roadside emergencies in their travel plans.

“Usually when they call me and they’re stuck in the ditch because their vehicle isn’t running, I always tell them to make sure they don’t open their doors if they don’t have to. Keep as warm as you can and keep blankets with you. Everything is necessary when it’s this cold. Anything could happen.”

On Twitter: @ElliottKnopp

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