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Stay Warm

SaskPower not anticipating any outages from cold weather, still recommending emergency kits

Dec 29, 2021 | 8:00 AM

The extreme cold weather and subsequent increase in power usage aren’t expected to cause any outages across the province.

That’s according to Scott McGregor, media relations consultant with SaskPower. McGregor told paNOW the organization planned ahead and increased capacity in their system to ensure it doesn’t overload.

He said it’s very unlikely the cold temperatures themselves will cause any major issue.

“Thankfully we don’t see widespread outages, typically when we do it’s the result of a storm that has actually damaged infrastructure.”

Despite this, McGregor adds it’s important people don’t assume nothing bad will happen.

“It’s important everyone remains prepared in the event there is an extended outage or any other emergency.”

He notes an emergency kit can be the difference between life and death if an unplanned outage occurs.

They should include three days’ worth of water and non-perishable food, a can opener, flashlights and extra batteries, candles, a first aid kit, blankets, and warm clothing.

On Twitter: @princealbertnow

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