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(File photo/meadowlakeNOW Staff)
Skate Park Commitment

City of Meadow Lake commits to skate park development

Jan 12, 2022 | 5:00 AM

Meadow Lake City Council is continuing to demonstrate an emphasis on recreational development following the first council meeting of 2022

On Monday, the city committed to covering 25 per cent of the cost of the new skate park development project. This comes as part of the city’s application to the Canada Community Revitalization Fund which, if successful, could result in the city only covering around less than 10 per cent of the actual cost.

In an interview with meadowlakeNOW, Mayor Merlin Seymour stated recreation plays a significant role in the wellbeing of the community.

“A skate park, or any recreation facility, that the city would take on, build, or upgrade, keeps people active. Keeping people active is a good mental relief on everyone,” he said.

“This is just part of our commitment to making Meadow Lake a better place to live, and having different recreational opportunities just makes it that much better.”

A big part of what makes this discounted development possible is the interest shown by organizations in the community. Earlier this year, Tolko Industries made a $40,000 contribution to the project, which granted the organization the naming rights to Meadow Lake Action Park.

This donation was followed up with a $5,000 donation from NorSask Forest Products.

Because of these contributions, the city’s commitment to covering a quarter of the cost associated with the development will become a more manageable expense.

Parks and Recreation manager Regan Beck spoke on the announcement, saying the city’s progressive mindset toward recreational development will offer the community a brighter future in regards to programming and social activity.

“They definitely see the value in recreation,” he said.

“Losing the arena, a beloved institution in Meadow Lake, I know personally and with my staff, we’re sure missing it this winter, and we will again next winter. Fortunately, bigger and better things are on board after that.”

The announcement also provides a boost to the project that could result in the construction of the new facility being completed much sooner than originally anticipated.

Beck said this is another significant step in the city’s revitalization efforts.

“It’s a real big opportunity for us to get back up to speed and have that. I know there’s a lot of different really good opportunities to come with it.”

On Twitter: @ElliottKnopp