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A time-lapsed photo of the partial lunar eclipse over Saskatoon last November. (Submitted Photo/timkip imaging)

‘An astronomical ballet’: Total lunar eclipse to hover over Saskatchewan

May 15, 2022 | 9:00 AM

Make sure you look up to the skies Sunday night and take a good look at the moon.

A total lunar eclipse will hover over Saskatchewan starting when the moon rises and culminating in the moon turning blood red just after 10:00 p.m.

“Roughly around 10:15, it’s going to go into its total stage. When it goes into totality, that’s when we’re going to be seeing it change into that blood-red moon,” said Tim Yaworski with the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada in Saskatoon.

“Essentially the moon is fully engulfed in the earth’s shadow but the blue spectrum of lighting through the earth’s atmosphere refracts and makes the moon red.”

He added the total eclipse should last about 45 minutes before the shadow slowly fades away, ending around midnight.

This is the first time a total lunar eclipse has been visible in Saskatchewan since January 2019. The last lunar eclipse, a partial one, happened last November.

“The beauty of a lunar eclipse is as long as you got a clear sky and a clear view of the moon, you can see it from anywhere, you don’t need to be where it’s dark. You can see from the heart of the brightest city.”

Yaworski said one big advantage to a lunar eclipse compared to other events, like a solar eclipse, is that there’s plenty of time for you to enjoy it.

“It’s an eclipse that sort of happens in slow motion. Especially if you’re somewhere where it’s nice and quiet, it’s a peaceful thing to watch. It’s almost like a slow-motion astronomical ballet happening in front of your eyes.”

If you happen to miss this lunar eclipse or clouds decide to cover the sky, Yaworski said not to worry as another lunar eclipse will take place this year. That’s expected to happen on Nov. 8.

On Twitter: @pa_craddock

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