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Meadow Lake to host inaugural Wounded Warriors Weekend event

Apr 19, 2018 | 12:00 PM

A banquet to raise awareness and funds for an annual veterans’ weekend is coming to Meadow Lake April 28.

Wounded Warriors Weekend is an annual event for veterans, active-duty military personnel, police officers, trauma nurses, correctional officers, firefighters, emergency medical technicians, first responders and their families. Many in these fields have dealt with a range of mental and physical ailments ranging from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to lifelong injuries.

Rick Burnett has been actively involved in the Saskatchewan-based organization for the last four years, raising over $30,000 on his own for the cause, with contributions from Meadow Lakers. This year, he said he wanted to get the whole community involved. He originally discovered the group through friends at the local legion, and it was meaningful for him from the get-go.

“It’s trying to get these [people] a weekend retreat to enjoy themselves and have no worries,” he said. “The very first one I went to was in Slave Lake and my eyes opened up. The reason why I do this is because my dad’s a World War II veteran. He suffered from PTSD, which used to be called shell shock. Seeing my dad go through that, I just wanted to give something back to the veterans.”

Burnett said a few special guests will include local veterans and service people. There will be local entertainment at the banquet, as well as some draws. He said he’s been busy preparing and has been getting positive support from fellow community members.

“It’s them that I look up to for what they’ve done for our community and our country,” Burnett said. “If it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t be able to enjoy life as we know it. The response has been good in the community so far, and hoping lots of people come out.

The funds raised from the local banquet will help go towards this year’s weekend retreat, which will take place in August in Slave Lake.

The entertainment for the evening will include Prince Albert Pipes and Drums, Flying Dust Drummers, local young singer Payton Getz, Rachel Brooks, and a tribute to the late Lorrie Church and Marty Bishop.

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