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The Water Security Agency (WSA) is following up its February spring runoff report saying some communities in northern and central Saskatchewan will have a near normal runoff.According to a media relea...
Mar 04, 2021
Drivers in Northwest Saskatchewan are going to continue to be tested this March. Daily highs are expected to rise above 0 C by Wednesday throughout the region and remain in the plus category until lat...
Mar 01, 2021
While the recent cold weather snap has presented challenges to some residents over the last two weeks, some of the biggest inconveniences have come at the expense of motorists.Towing and vehicle servi...
Feb 11, 2021
Saskatchewan will have to bundle up again this weekend.Environment Canada is forecasting a series of very cold temperatures across the Prairies, with a strong likelihood of wind chills at -40 Celsius ...
Feb 03, 2021
Many residents who didn't go outdoors over the weekend may not have noticed the sudden drop in temperature immediately, but were in need of assistance once they did.In addition to automotive issues, w...
Jan 28, 2021
After weeks of abnormally nice weather conditions, cross-country skiers will have to join the rest of Saskatchewan in staying inside.Following an extreme drop in temperature this weekend, Environment ...
Jan 25, 2021
Catherine Smith thought someone was hitting her house with a ball or bat. The loud bangs outside of her Prince Albert home started just a few days ago, right when the temperatures took a dramatic dive...
Jan 25, 2021
Saskatchewan motorists have plenty of reason to slow down in the past few weeks of winter conditions and a new temperature change should bring about more caution.After weeks of largely running days at...
Jan 22, 2021
As temperatures continue to fluctuate in Saskatchewan, leading to less than ideal road conditions, one tow truck driver's harrowing experience highlights the need to slow down on icy highways.On Monda...
Jan 21, 2021
Travel is not recommended on a number of highways in southern Saskatchewan, including the Trans-Canada Highway east of Regina.According to the Highway Hotline, there are slippery sections and blowing ...
Jan 20, 2021