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Cases of whooping cough on the decline in Meadow Lake

Feb 1, 2016 | 4:39 PM

The recent outbreak of pertussis, more commonly referred to as whooping cough, seems to be contained in Meadow Lake. No new cases have been reported since Jan. 19.

Between November 2015 and Jan 18, 2016 there were 26 cases of pertussis confirmed in Meadow Lake.

“We`re still seeing cases of pertussis in Meadow Lake but the thing is, it is not at the same frequency as before,” Dr. Mandiangu Nsungu, medical health officer with the Prairie North Health Region (PNHR).

“I can say right now that the last case was reported on the 19th of January. So that could be an indication that maybe the situation is slowly getting back to normal,” Dr. Nsungu said.

Pertussis is a serious respiratory system infection. Anyone can contract pertussis, but the disease is most severe in children less than one-year-old. It can be fatal, and is severe in pregnant women in their last trimester.

To help counter the spread of pertussis, PNHR offers as-needed immunization. Women who are 26 weeks pregnant or more are encouraged to make sure they are up-to-date on the Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis (Tdap) vaccine.

To find out if you are up to date on vaccinations, contact the nearest public health office. Meadow Lake’s health office is located in the Hospital at 711 Center St.

PNHR public health nursing supervisor Danielle Radcheko says it is important to stay up to date on vaccinations so those who cannot receive them themselves can be protected. Babies cannot receive vaccinations until they are two months of age. 

“Getting your Tdap at 26 weeks of pregnancy is the most ideal time as it will allow for your baby to build some immunity against whooping cough and will protect the infant until he or she is eligible to get vaccinated at age two months,” Radcheko added in a news release.

There will be a vaccination clinic for pregnant women on Feb. 3 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at PNHR Public Health Services in North Battleford.

Registration for the clinic is required. The North Battleford public health office can be reached at 306-446-6400.

On twitter: @coltonswiderski