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CHS drama club presents dessert theatre

Dec 7, 2017 | 10:37 AM

Hours of rehearsals and vocal practices are about to pay off for the cast and crew of the Carpenter High School drama club, in the form of their biennial dessert theatre.

Their most recent production, called Kiss Me, Cowgirl is a musical comedy set in a small town. Cast member Lara van de Venter said it is entertaining from start to finish. 

“It’s about of bunch of boys trying to win their girls’ hearts, but they’re having a lot of trouble,” she said. “Luckily, this guy comes in from another town and helps them win girls by selling them sonnets and poems, but unfortunately they were Shakespearian poems and he told each guy he had written them himself and sold them at a high price… they were swindled.”

The play was written by Toronto-based playwright Vicktoria Adam, who is the daughter of Carpenter High teacher and co-director Dawn Benoit.

The last few weeks have been busy for the cast, as rehearsals have taken place after school, during lunch hour, and even over the weekend.

Van de Venter said this year’s drama club has a great mix of students involved, as some were part of the Carpenter troupe who won Regionals last year, and the younger students were part of the Jonas Samson Junior High club who took second place at the competition.

The dessert theatre also acts as a fundraiser for the troupe, which helps them purchase more props and costumes, prepare for regionals and their ultimate goal; provincials.

There will be two shows, tonight and tomorrow at 7 p.m., and features desserts prepared by the students themselves. Doors open at 6:30 both nights.  

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