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One of the creations at the barn quilt painting event in Paynton. (submitted photo)
barn quilt project

Creating art and connections in the Rivers West District

Aug 7, 2024 | 5:00 PM

An effort to promote community engagement and give locals a chance to express themselves through art was a successful event in the community of Paynton last week.

Nineteen participants from 10 communities gathered over the two-day open hearts, open minds event to paint barn quilts on wooden sheets. Attendees drew inspiration from books provided by the Paynton Library with several quilt ideas. Both Bonny MacNab of Mervin and Marg Uhlig of Turtleford act as facilitators for the workshops.

Bonnie Mills Midgley, the community development co-ordinator for Rivers West District for Sport, Culture and Recreation, said the event and other similar ones she organizes, in part, help combat loneliness and isolation in rural Saskatchewan. For this event, waiting for the paint to dry or sharing a provided dinner sparked engagement amongst the painters, she said.

One of the creations at the barn quilt painting event in Paynton. (submitted photo)

“People circle around to the other participants and see what they’re creating or why they’re creating that and who they are or what their history is. Where do you come from? It’s wonderful. Food is an important part too,” Mills Midgley said.

The idea to create the four-part painting series came after a successful similar event in Mervin last year. There, participants used their barn quilt creations to create a mural in the town.

The barn quilts are designed and painted on 4×4 board panels meant to be hanged outside. Attendees are encouraged to find the best place to display their art in their community.

“People take them home and put them wherever they want, whether they’ve got a fence that they go on, or an outbuilding that’s up to them what they want to do with them. We just want to make Saskatchewan and Western Canada even more beautiful,” Mills Midgley added. “There is a barn quilt between Rosetown and Biggar on the grainway on the edge of the road. When I drive by and look at that, it just makes you smile. It’s a bright spot. It’s just one of those things that bring joy.”

The Paynton painting event was the first of four events scheduled in the district with the next planned to take place in Goodsoil Aug. 26 and 27. Once the events conclude, Mills Midgley said organizers hope to develop a map of the barn quilt locations across the district, so art-seekers can find them.

Sponsorship for the events comes from the district, New Horizons for Seniors Programs, and the Saskatchewan Senior Fitness Association.

For more information on the Goodsoil event, click here.

One of the creations at the barn quilt painting event in Paynton. (submitted photo)
One of the creations at the barn quilt painting event in Paynton. (submitted photo)
One of the creations at the barn quilt painting event in Paynton. (submitted photo)
One of the creations at the barn quilt painting event in Paynton. (submitted photo)
One of the creations at the barn quilt painting event in Paynton. (submitted photo)
One of the creations at the barn quilt painting event in Paynton. (submitted photo)
One of the creations at the barn quilt painting event in Paynton. (submitted photo)

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